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Drew Johnson Is Prepared to Serve

During a recent call with a potential donor, I was asked why I was qualified to run for Congress. As I answered him with just three words, I realized what makes me a great candidate for Congress is the same reason I was able to achieve a major goal a few months ago.

Last year, Sarah and I marked a HUGE accomplishment off our bucket lists. We hiked to Everest Base Camp – the spot in the Himalayas where climbers begin their ascent of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world.

Our trek spanned more than 90 miles and reached nearly 20,000 feet. We fought to cling to cables as we pulled ourselves up an icy 55-degree slope and struggled for footing as we scrambled across the largest glacier in Nepal.

Our lungs ached as each breath contained only half as much oxygen as one in Las Vegas.

It was so cold at night that our toothpaste froze in the tube, and we slept with our water bottles in our sleeping bags to prevent the water from turning into blocks of ice.

Only 60% of the people in our party completed the trek. The rest had to be evacuated by helicopter.

But we made it.

Why? Because we were prepared.

Sarah and I hiked hundreds of miles to ensure our legs and lungs could handle the trek. We relied on high-quality gear that we’d trusted for years. Our boots were broken in and comfortable.

We brought sleeping bags designed to keep us warm at -10 degrees, crampons to secure our steps on glaciers, and iodine tablets to purify unsafe water.

We understood what was required of us to succeed. As a result, we had an amazing adventure we’ll never forget – and we made it home safely with nothing worse than a few sore muscles and a rough case of jetlag!

So, when that potential donor asked why I thought I’d be a good member of Congress, I simply said, “Because I’m prepared.”

drew johnson everest base camp nepal trek
drew johnson everest base camp nepal trek

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I was raised by a single mother who worked two jobs to raise me in one of the poorest areas of America.

After working my way through college and earning a Master of Public Policy degree from Pepperdine University, I chose to devote my life to advancing and defending freedom by creating public policy solutions based on America’s founding principles of limited government and individual liberty.

I began my career 25 years ago at a nonprofit that improved education by allowing teachers to have more flexibility in how they taught. I later worked at the American Enterprise Institute under renowned gun rights advocate John Lott.

At 24, I lived in my car while founding the Beacon Center of Tennessee, one of America’s most influential conservative nonprofits. While serving as president of the organization, I worked with elected officials to draft parental choice legislation that allowed tens of thousands of students to get an excellent education at the schools of their choice. My fight to slash red tape and licensing burdens allowed hundreds of hardworking small business owners the chance to live their American Dream.

I also famously exposed Al Gore’s own inconvenient truth – that his hypocritical home energy consumption was more than 20 times that of the average American household.

My use of investigative reporting to hold government accountable and promote limited government policy solutions has been replicated by dozens of think tanks and grassroots organizations nationwide.

As a government watchdog and taxpayers advocate at places including the National Taxpayers Union and the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, I worked with lawmakers to save taxpayers more than $60 billion. Just imagine how much I’ll save taxpayers if I’m one of the people responsible for overseeing the federal budget.

I’ve testified before Congress as the national director of Protect Internet Freedom. And I’ve used my columns in Newsmax, The Washington Times, The Daily Caller, and Townhall to advocate for energy independence and oppose green energy boondoggles.

My reporting about corruption, wasted tax dollars, and the lack of press freedom within the United Nations and the World Health Organization won awards…and led world leaders to impose new measures of accountability and transparency on the organizations.

I’ve authored research for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Citizens Against Government Waste, and the Nevada Policy Research Institute, all in an effort to provide lawmakers with tools to encourage fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, and government accountability.

In addition to my career in conservative nonprofits and media outlets, I also have a rich history of public service. Two Presidents and five governors have appointed me to boards and commissions, including the:

• Nevada State Board of Optometry
• Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
• Coalition for Juvenile Justice
• Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth

I’ve spent time in nearly 70 countries – often working to help journalists and civil rights activists fight oppressive governments.

Finally, my wife and I are proud small business owners who contribute to southern Nevada by volunteering at organizations such as the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, Aid for AIDS of Nevada, and several great animal rescue organizations.

I know what it means to work hard. And I’ve seen that hard work pay off. I’ve been blessed to devote my life to making the world a little better by making it a little freer.

As a member of Congress, I’ll fight to protect the freedoms that make America great so the American Dream can still be a possibility rather than just a memory.

Quite simply, I’m prepared. And I’m ready to serve.

You're invited!

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